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Webhookthing... a webhook testing tool

Webhookthing is a simple tool for testing webhooks from the Ping team! Unlike traditional testing tools, Webhookthing is designed to be used in a browser and using localhost as the endpoint.

This makes it easy to test webhooks from your local development environment. No more Ngrok / LocalTunnel!


  • Simple, easy to use interface
  • No account required
  • No installation required
  • Easy to configure new webhook endpoints
  • Headers and body are displayed in a readable format
  • No local tunneling required

How to use Webhookthing?

The team at Ping have made it as straight forward as possible to start testing webhooks.

npx webhookthing

This will start the Webhookthing server on port 2033.It will also open a browser window to the Webhookthing UI where you can test, and configure new webhooks.

Webhookthing UI

How to add new webhooks?

The Webhookthing UI is very simple to use. You can add new webhooks by clicking the Add Webhook button. This will open a modal where you can enter the name of the webhook you want to test.

Webhook Add Modal

Then once you name the webhook you have a UI where you can add the body of your webhook, any headers or query parameters.

Webhook Main Screen

Webhook Main Screen 2

You can also create a folder to keep your webhooks organized. This is useful if you have a lot of webhooks to test. You can create a folder by clicking the Add Folder button. This will open a modal where you can enter the name of the folder.

How do I use the webhooks?

Once you have created a webhook you can use it right from the UI, just click the play button and it will fire off the webhook to the URI you have configured. Then on the right side you will see any errors or the response from the webhook.


Why use Webhookthing?

Webhookthing is simple to use, and easy to configure. It is also free to use, on top of that you can check your files into source control and share them with your team..

If you are looking for a simple way to test webhooks from your local development environment, then Webhookthing is for you!